maandag 2 augustus 2010

Beauty Tag: Make-Up

I know I'm late, maar liever later dan nooit XD

-What foundation do you use? Mac, Dior,...
-How about concealer? Mac
-Do you know your undertone color? Yellow
-What do you think of fake eyelashes? Love It
-Did you know that you are suppose to change your mascara every 3 months? Yes
-What brand of mascara do you use? Mac, Dior, Estéé Lauder...
-Sephora or MAC? I actually never been to a Sephora store, so choosing Mac would be wrong, but everyone knows how much I love Mac
-Do you have a MAC Pro-card? No, I have a student card for 6 months
-What makeup tools do you use in make up application? You name it, I have it.
-Do you use make-up base/primer for the eyes? No
-For the face? Only a day cream, 'cause my skin breaks out easily.
-What is your favorite eyeshadow? I love all my eyeshadow's, I can't pick one.
-Do you use pencil or liquid eyeliner? Pencil
-How often do you poke your eyes with an eyeliner pencil? Only if I wanna do it fast
-What do you think of pigment eyeshadows? Love it
-Do you use mineral makeup? Sometimes
-What is your favorite lipstick? Mac Lady Gaga
-How about lipgloss? Nivea, but it is actually a really old one. I really need to throw it away, but I don't want to, I love it to much.
-What is your favorite blush to use? I'm not really into blush, but i wanna have a barbie pink one.
-Do you buy your makeup on ebay? No
-Do you like drugstore makeup? Yes, sometime. But now i'm into like Mac, Dior, Chanel... 'cause the quality is better. 
-Did you ever consider taking make-up classes? Yes, I'm starting in November
-Are you clumsy in putting on makeup? I used to, but practicing with make-up changed it
-Name a makeup crime that you hate? Lip liner that is darker then your lipstick 
-Do you like colorful shades of makeup or neutral ones? I like it all.
-Which celebrity always has great make up? Kim Kardashian
-If you could leave the house using just one make up item,what would you use? Foundation
-Could you ever leave the house without any makeup on? Sometimes I have to
-Do you think you look good even without any makeup on? No
-In your opinion, what is the best makeup line? Mac
-What do you think of Makeup? I so totally hate it... No LOL I love it. Can't life without it anymore 

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